However, an increase in MAA resulted in a significant increase in the yield value, while the phase volume ratio had no significant influence on yield. Residual plots for the nanoparticle formulation yield are shown in Figure 7. Figure 6 Barplot depicting differences in the yield within various PLA/MAA nanoparticle formulations.
Figure 7 Residual Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical plots for nanoparticle yield. 3.5. Molecular Structural Analysis of the PLA-MAA Nanoparticles The FTIR spectra of the drug-free and MTX-loaded optimized nanoparticle formulations corresponded to those of the native polymers (PLA and MAA) (Figures (Figures88 and and9).9). This observation indicated that the polymers underwent minimal chemical change during processing. Therefore, it was expected that the nanoparticles would display chemical XAV-939 ic50 properties that were representative of the individual native polymers. Differences were noted in FTIR spectra between the drug-free and MTX-loaded nanoparticle Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical formulations (Figure 8). The additional peaks that were observed in the MTX-loaded formulations were attributable to the presence of a 1,3 substituted compound (1509.36–1466.67cm−1) and a phenyl amino compound (1633.22–1604.09cm−1). This showed that
MTX was adsorbed onto the nanoparticle surface either by weak H-bonds Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical formed between the COO-groups of MTX and the OH-groups of MAA or by ionic bonds formed between the NH2 groups of MTX and the COO-groups present in PLA and MAA. MTX was dispersed in the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical PLA-MAA matrix in the microcrystalline form without polymorphic changes or transition into an amorphous form. Figure 8 FTIR spectra of (a) methotrexate (MTX), (b) poly(DL-lactide) (PLA), and (c) methacrylic acid copolymer (1:2) (MAA). Figure 9 FTIR spectra of (a) drug-free PLA/MAA nanoparticles, (b) MTX-loaded PLA/MAA nanoparticles, and (c) highlighting the difference in the spectra. 3.6. In Vitro Drug Release Studies In vitro release data of MTX Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical indicated
controlled release of MTX from the optimized nanoparticle formulation. As seen from the FTIR studies, PLA and MAA underwent minimal/no chemical transformation during nanoparticle synthesis. Therefore, the mechanism of MTX release was to an extent governed by the unique behavior of the constituent polymers in the release media. MAA is an ionic polymer Casein kinase 1 that is gradually soluble in neutral to weakly alkaline media [39]. PLA is a pH-independent polymer that degrades extremely slowly in weakly alkaline media. MTX release occurred by diffusion of MTX molecules from the PLA-MAA matrix and followed a biphasic pattern (Figure 10). The first phase was attributed to the diffusion of MTX molecules that were weakly adsorbed onto the surface of the nanoparticles accounting for 50% of MTX released in 24 hours. Modulation of MTX release occurred during the second phase as a result of bond hydrolysis for which the subsequent release of MTX molecules dispersed within the inner matrix (Figure 10).