After washing in the same medium supplemented buy BMS345541 with 400 mM sorbitol, the pellet was resuspended in this isotonic medium and used for the fluorescence and circular-dichroism measurements. Green (native) gel electrophoresis Isolated thylakoid membranes from WT and dgd1 were loaded on a polyacrylamide gel, as described in De Bianchi et al. (2008). The samples were incubated for 10 min at defined temperatures. Densitometry analysis was performed using Gel-pro analyser 3.1 software. Circular-dichroism measurements Circular dichroism (CD) was measured on isolated thylakoid membranes between 400 and 800 nm using a Jasco J-715 spectropolarimeter. The Chl content of the
samples was adjusted to 15 μg ml−1, the optical pathlength of the cell was 1 cm. The spectra were recorded in steps of 1 nm with an integration time of 2 s, a band-pass of 2 nm, and scanning speed of 100 nm min−1.
The samples were sequentially thermostated for 10 min at each temperature starting from 3°C up to 80°C. Each experiment was repeated five times with freshly isolated SU5402 concentration thylakoids. The amplitudes of the different CD bands were determined using reference wavelengths, e.g., by the subtraction of the maximum intensity STA-9090 concentration of the positive signal at a specified wavelength and the corresponding minimum of the negative signal (for example the amplitude of the 448–459 nm band was obtained by subtracting the CD at 459 nm from the signal at 448 nm). For strongly overlapping CD bands, such as the CD band at 685 nm and at 650 nm, the amplitude was estimated by subtracting a reference zero-value CD signal (CD(685–730) and CD(610–650)). The transition temperature
(T m) is defined as the temperature at which the intensity of the CD band or band-pair is decreased by 50% of its value at 25°C, similar to Cseh et al. (2000). Chl a time-resolved fluorescence measurements The Chl a fluorescence decay curves were measured using two techniques: (i) in vivo fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) measurements on detached but intact leaves at room temperature (22°C) (similar to Broess et al. 2009) and (ii) time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) Farnesyltransferase measurements on isolated thylakoid membranes at different temperatures. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) was performed in vivo on detached leaves of WT and dgd1, using the setup described previously (Borst et al. 2005). In short, two-photon excitation pulses (860 nm, 150 fs pulse duration, 76 MHz repetition rate) were focused into the sample with a 60× water immersion objective lens. Fluorescence was detected via non-descanned single photon counting detection, through two band-pass filters of 700 nm (75 nm width). Images of 64 × 64 pixels were obtained, with 1024 time channels of 12 ps.