Superoxide sensitivity was determined by diluting triplicate cult

Superoxide sensitivity was determined by diluting triplicate cultures to 5 × 106 cells/mL and exposing to various concentrations of the superoxide-generating molecule

paraquat (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) with incubation for 24 hrs. Cell viability was determined by counting motile cells using a Petroff-Hauser chamber with darkfield microscopy. To determine if L. biflexa produces an oxidative stress response to superoxide, triplicate cultures of 5 × 106 cells/mL were pre-exposed to 0.5 μM paraquat for 2.5 hrs followed by addition of specific concentrations of paraquat. Cultures were further incubated for 24 hrs and cell CYT387 ic50 viability assessed as described above. Two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and protein identification L. biflexa isolates were grown to a cell density of ~1 × 109 cells/ml and harvested by centrifugation (10,000 × g, 10 min, 23°C). Cell pellets were rinsed in PBS and lysed in PBS supplemented with 1 X Complete Protease Inhibitor (Roche Applied Science) by 3 passes through a French pressure cell (16,000 lb/in2). Cell lysates were further fractionated into soluble and membrane-associated

Selleck Copanlisib proteins by ultracentrifugation (100,000 × g 1 h, 4°C). The membrane-associated protein pellet was rinsed with PBS and suspended in PBS+PI with the aid of a glass tissue homogenizer learn more (Kontes Glass Co.,Vineland, NJ). Protein concentrations were determined by a modified Lowry protein assay with bovine serum albumin as a standard. For DIGE analysis of membrane-associated proteins, 50 ug of L. biflexa wild-type or the ΔbatABD isolate was labeled with either 400 pmol Cy3 or Cy5 (CyDye minimal dye labeling kit, GE Healthcare) for 30 min on ice. As an internal control, a mixture of 25ug of the wild-type and 25 ug of the ΔbatABD samples were labeled with Cy2 for 30 min on ice. All labeling reactions Niclosamide were performed in DIGE labeling solutions consisting of 7 M Urea, 2M Thiourea, and 4% CHAPS in 10 mM Tris (pH 8.5). The labeling reaction was quenched by adding 1 ul of 10 mM lysine and incubating for

10 min on ice. To ensure that observed differences were not due to artifacts from preferential dye binding to proteins, several coupled samples were labeled by dye switching. Labeled proteins were stored at −20°C in the dark until isoelectric focusing. Cy-dye labeled samples for comparison were mixed and DTT and IPGphore 3–10 buffer were added at final concentrations of 100 mM and 1.0%, respectively. The volume of each set was brought to 350 ul with isoelectric focusing solution C4TT [49] and applied to 18 cm 3–10 non-linear IPG strips (GE Healthcare). Strips were focused using the following parameters: 12 hr rehydration, 500 V for 1 hr, 1000 V for 1 hr, 1500 V for 1 hr, 4000 V for 1 hr, and 8000V for 60,000 Vhr. Once focusing was complete, strips were stored at −80°C until equilibrated and separated in the second dimension by standard SDS-PAGE using 8-16% gradient gels (Jule, Inc.

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