, 2009) Tests for sniff-related modulation are less straightforw

, 2009). Tests for sniff-related modulation are less straightforward than for vision or touch because—at least in the awake mammal—inhalation is required to elicit odorant-evoked responses, precluding odorant presentation at different times relative to a sniff. Optogenetic approaches in which light is used to reliably buy Vemurafenib activate sensory inputs independent of sniff timing (Smear et al., 2011)

provide a promising solution to this problem. What are the neural pathways underlying attentional modulation during active sensing? In the heavily studied visual system, multiple cortical as well as thalamic areas have been implicated in directed attention (Noudoost et al., 2010). One major source of attentional control is the frontal eye field—the premotor area controlling eye movements. In nonhuman primates, microstimulation of frontal eye field neurons enhances the responsiveness Dorsomorphin nmr of visual cortex neurons with spatially overlapping receptive fields (Moore et al., 2003 and Noudoost et al., 2010). In the somatosensory system, there are

reciprocal connections between somatosensory neurons and the motor areas controlling active touch (Veinante and Deschênes, 2003). In addition, recent evidence has not only demonstrated monosynaptic connections between primary somatosensory and motor cortices corresponding to the same whisker (Ferezou et al.,

2007) but direct control of whisker protraction by somatosensory cortex (Matyas et al., 2010). Thus, a tight coordination between the motor systems controlling stimulus sampling and the processing of incoming sensory signals mediated by this sampling is likely a fundamental component of top-down control in active sensing. There is considerable evidence for coordination between olfactory sensory pathways and the motor systems controlling sniffing. First, in both humans and in rodents, olfactory stimuli can modulate sniffing behavior extremely quickly: humans show differences in the flow rate of inhalation that vary with odorant intensity within 200 ms after beginning an tuclazepam inhalation (Figure 6A; Johnson et al., 2003); rats show an increase in sniff frequency in response to novel odorants in a similar time after inhalation and in as little as 50–100 ms after sensory input arrives at the OB (Figure 6B; Wesson et al., 2008a). Motor signals related to sniffing also affect odor perception. For example, in human subjects in which odorant is injected into the bloodstream, sniffing can “gate” odor perception (Mainland and Sobel, 2006). In addition, the degree of motor effort expended during a sniff affects perceived odor intensity (Hornung et al., 1997 and Teghtsoonian and Teghtsoonian, 1984).

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