Total tree height, referred henceforth to as ‘height’, in the plo

Total tree height, referred henceforth to as ‘height’, in the plots located in Kalimantan was systematically measured using a laser rangefinder, with a possible error of a few meters (Nikon, Forestry 550). In the plots of Sumatra, heights were estimated with a Blume Leiss hypsometer and cross-checked with measurements done by climbing trees (accuracy ± 0.5 m for small and medium trees, ±3 m for large emergent

and canopy trees, Y.Laumonier In all the other sites, a single operator did all the measurements to avoid inter-operator variability (Larjavaara and Muller-Landau, 2013). Despite the importance of Dipterocarp forests in terms of area and carbon stocks, only a few suitable allometric models were Smad inhibitor found in the literature (Table 2). Two studies (Yamakura et al., 1986 and Basuki et al., 2009) proposed site-specific allometric models. Two others (Ketterings et al., 2001 and Kenzo et al., 2009a) developed allometric models in secondary logged-over forests. Ketterings et al. (2001) worked in a forest regrowing after slash and burn, in which cultivated

species (i.e. Artocarpus or Hevea) were still present. The second study took place in an industrial logged-over forest concession, where the abundance selleck kinase inhibitor of pioneer species such as Macaranga spp. or Gluta spp. indicated a much higher intensity of disturbance (2nd or 3rd rotation). As our study considers ‘old-growth secondary forest’ i.e. forest stands that have been selectively logged for at least 30 years and have not been clearcut, these last two models were judged irrelevant and were discarded. We also used the generic pan-tropical allometric

models developed by Brown (1997), updated by Pearson et al. (2005), and by Chave GNA12 et al. (2005). These models have been widely used, notably in the context of REDD+, and were recommended by the IPCC guidelines ( IPCC, 2003 and IPCC, 2006) for estimating carbon stocks in tropical forests. Using the destructive sample, we compared the performance of prediction of the six models using four ad hoc indices, as reported in Vieilledent et al. (2011). We computed the residual standard error RSE, defined as the standard deviation of the residual errors εi (with εi = log(AGBi) − log(AGBiest), where AGBi and AGBiest represent the actual and estimated biomass of a tree i). Large RSE values indicate poor regression models. Second, we computed the coefficient of determination of each model, defined as: equation(1) R2=1-Σiεi2Σi[log(AGBi)-log(AGB)mean]with log(AGB)mean being the mean of log-transformed observed values. Models with a high number of parameters generally result in a better fit to the data and R2 should be interpreted considering the degrees of freedom of the model df = nobs − npar, with nobs the number of observations and npar the number of parameters. Third, we computed the Akaike Information Criterion for each model, AIC = −2log(L) + 2npar , L being the model likelihood. The best model minimizes the value of AIC.

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