1 cells cultured with different concentrations of rPnxIIIA. The cytotoxicity was determined by JSH-23 clinical trial the release of LDH from J774A.1 mouse macrophage cells. (BMP 630 KB) Additional file 3: The binding ability and hemagglutination activity of the rPnxIIIA variants. (A) Coomassie blue-stained SDS-PAGE analysis of rPnxIIIA variants. Lanes: M, protein ladder; 1, wild-type rPnxIIIA; 2, rPnxIIIA209; 3, rPnxIIIA197; 4, rPnxIIIA151. (B) Ability of rPnxIIIA variants (10 μg/ml) to bind to the rat collagen type I measured by A620.
Numbers are represented as follows: 1, wild-type rPnxIIIA; 2, rPnxIIIA209; 3, rPnxIIIA197; 4, rPnxIIIA151. (C) Changes in hemagglutination activity of different concentration of the rPnxIIIA variants with sheep erythrocytes. Numbers are represented as follows: 1, rPnxIIIA209; 2, rPnxIIIA197; and 3, rPnxIIIA151. (BMP 588 KB) Additional file 4: Southern blotting PRN1371 manufacturer analysis of reference strains of P. pneumotropica using pnxIIIA probes. The arrow indicates the position of the expected bands. (BMP 56 KB) Additional file 5: Oligonucleotide primers used in this study. Primer name, sequence, target gene, and their purpose are listed. (BMP 850 KB) References 1. Brennan PC, Fritz TE, Flynn RJ: Role of Pasteurella pneumotropica and Mycoplasma pulmonis in murine
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