1B and C) This suggested that the LAG-3 D1/D2 domains may contri

1B and C). This suggested that the LAG-3 D1/D2 domains may contribute to intracellular retention. However, some reduction in intracellular storage was seen with some of the LAG-3/CD4 constructs suggesting either other membrane proximal mTOR inhibitor domains of LAG-3 may contribute or that some domains of CD4 may interfere with retention (Supporting Information Fig. 1C). Taken together, these data suggest that the control of retention is complex

and may involve multiple motifs and domains. Like many cell surface molecules, the majority of CD4 is expressed on the cell surface and only a small portion is retained/resides in intracellular locations. Most of this appears to reside in early/recycling endosomes. In striking contrast, approximately half of the LAG-3 molecules are retained intracellularly

and appear to reside close to the MTOC and recycling endosomes. Significant colocalization with Rab11b suggests that LAG-3 may be continuously recycled IWR-1 cell line and/or may be poised for rapid plasma membrane translocation. Partial colocalization of LAG-3 with Rab27a, a marker for the secretory lysosomal pathway, may suggest that LAG-3 can reach the plasma membrane through the MTOC via the secretory lysosomal pathway as has been described for CTLA-4 17. While these data clearly indicate that the trafficking and cellular location of these two closely related molecules is distinct, further studies will be required to further elucidate this in more detail. It should also be noted that the studies detailed here were performed with murine T cells and it remains to be determined whether similar observations would be made with human T cells. In resting cells, the rate of CD4 endocytosis is low 19. T-cell activation by antigen or phorbol esters increases CD4 internalization, which is either recycled to the plasma membrane or degraded Vasopressin Receptor in lysosomes 20–22. After T-cell

activation, the MTOC and Golgi are reorientated to the immunological synapse 23. While some intracellular CD4 molecules appear to reside in or near the MTOC, this is clearly less than observed for LAG-3 (although this may be less evident simply because there is less intracellular CD4). Thus we hypothesize that this concentration of LAG-3 at the MTOC facilitates its rapid translocation to the cell surface following T-cell activation. Indeed, expression of LAG-3 following cell surface pronase treatment appeared to be significantly greater for LAG-3 than CD4, consistent with this notion. Interestingly, another T-cell inhibitory molecule, CTLA-4, also resides predominantly in intracellular regions 12–17. Thus it may be important to tightly control the cell surface expression and location of potent inhibitory molecules such as LAG-3 and CTLA-4.

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