, 2013) The two-photon microscope system was equipped with a Mai

, 2013). The two-photon microscope system was equipped with a Mai Tai HP two-photon laser tuned to 920 nm and a 60× objective. Image data were acquired using custom software developed by Z. Raics. A TTL signal generated at the end of each line scan of the horizontal

scanning mirror was used to trigger a UV LED projector (Reiff et al., 2010). Stimuli were presented during the fly-back period of the horizontal scanning mirror. The temporal switching between fluorescence recording and stimulus presentation was performed at a minimum frequency of 500 Hz, which is well above the flicker-fusion frequency of the mouse retina. See Supplemental Experimental Procedures for detailed CX-5461 research buy description of experimental procedures. We thank B.G. Scherf, S. Djaffer, and N. Zapf for technical assistance and S. Oakeley, A. Drinnenberg, F. Esposti, and S. Trenholm for their comments on the manuscript. We thank Z. Raics for developing software for two-photon imaging and electrophysiology. We thank A. Borst and D. Reiff for sharing their ideas and providing hardware for asynchronous visual stimulation during two-photon selleck screening library recordings. The study was supported by the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, the Gebert-Ruf Foundation, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the European Research Council, and SEEBETTER, TREATRUSH,

OPTONEURO, and 3X3D Imaging grants from the European Union to B.R., an EMBO Long-Term Fellowship and a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad to K.Y., EMBO Long-Term Farnesyltransferase Fellowships and Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships to K.F. and D.H., and a DFG SBF 870 grant to K.-K.C. K.Y. performed and designed all retinal experiments, performed in vivo injections, developed all plasmids, analyzed anatomical data, and wrote the paper. K.F. designed and performed two-photon experiments, analyzed two-photon and

confocal data, and helped write the paper. A.G. and K.-K.C. made the GCaMP3- and iGluSnFR-expressing rabies viruses. D.H. developed software for two-photon data analysis and helped write the paper. K.B. grew and titred rabies viruses. M.T. helped with in vivo injections. J.J. made AAV viruses. M.N. developed Spig1-GFP mice. R.L.N. made herpes viruses. B.R. designed experiments, analyzed data, and wrote the paper. “
“In recent years, epigenetic modifications of DNA and chromatin have been identified as essential mediators of memory formation through their regulation of gene expression (Sultan and Day, 2011), with methylation of cytosine bases in DNA (5mC) playing a critical role in both memory consolidation and storage (Feng et al., 2010a, Lubin et al., 2008, Miller et al., 2010, Miller and Sweatt, 2007 and Monsey et al., 2011). Although originally thought to act as a stable transcriptional silencer (Bonasio et al., 2010 and Feng et al.

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