3, 4 and 5) but not others (e.g., Refs. 6, 7 and 8). For example, one study found a lower relative injury frequency in those considered to have high vertical impact force magnitudes or loading rates compared with individuals considered to have low vertical impact force magnitudes or loading rates.9 Other vertical GRF variables, such as the active peak magnitude, may also be related to the development of running injuries10, 11 and 12 but this aspect has
been virtually ignored in the running injury debate. One thing remains clear: running injuries develop because of complex interactions between many variables, regardless of footfall pattern. Further examination of impact related variables may reveal that the joints learn more or tissues susceptible to injury may differ between footfall patterns. The events
surrounding the foot-ground collision during running are the main source of the impact shock that is transmitted through the leg and the rest of the body. This impact shock is closely related to vertical GRF characteristics and running kinematics.13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 Anything that affects segment velocity the instant before initial contact, such as running speed, stride frequency, and joint orientation, will determine the change in momentum of the foot and leg at initial contact and thus the magnitude and rate of the vertical impact peak and impact shock.14, 18, 19 and 20 The frequency content of selleckchem the impact shock will depend Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase on the magnitude and timing of the vertical GRF.13 Given the differences in vertical GRF characteristics and kinematics between footfall patterns, the impact shock resulting from each footfall pattern may exhibit different frequency content. The frequency content of impact parameters may be a significant contributor to running related injuries because the capacity of different tissues
and mechanisms to transmit and attenuate the impact shock may be frequency dependent.21 The frequency content and signal power of the impact shock and tibial acceleration during stance are determined primarily by the acceleration of the leg segments and whole body center of mass (COM).13 Specifically, the tibial acceleration profile in RF running contains a lower frequency range (4–8 Hz) representing voluntary lower extremity motion and the vertical acceleration of the COM during the stance phase and a higher frequency range (10–20 Hz) representing the rapid deceleration of the foot and leg at initial ground contact.13, 14, 15, 17 and 22 These lower and higher frequency ranges are also representative of the active peak and impact peak of the vertical GRF, respectively.13 and 17 In the time domain, the existence of a prominent impact peak in RF running but a greater active peak magnitude in FF running10, 23 and 24 suggest that the signal power contained in these lower and higher frequency ranges may differ between footfall patterns and may also affect how these frequencies are attenuated.