3, indicative of negative or purifying selection operating on these orthologs. A one-way ANOVA demonstrated that the distributions of ω among the four R. sphaeroides strains were
not significantly different from one another (p = 0.920). For the four strains, the mean ω value varied between 0.131 and 0.137 and the standard deviation of ω varied MLN2238 cell line between 0.030 and 0.037 (pooled S.D. = 0.033). Figure 10 K a -K s correlation of 28 common gene pairs in four R. sphaeroides strains (2.4.1, ATCC 17025, ATCC 17029, and KD131). Ka and Ks values were estimated using MYN (Modified Yang-Nielsen algorithm). ω = 0.3, 1, and 3 were used for negative, neutral, and positive selection, respectively. Horizontal Gene Transfer For R. sphaeroides 2.4.1, the putative HGT regions were found both in CI and CII. The non-optimized coordinates for these regions are not shown. The CI HGT regions sum to 65,005 nucleotides, which spans over 60 genes and which BI6727 comprises 2.04% of the total CI replicon. The CII HGT regions sum to 110,009 nucleotides,
containing 99 genes, and comprises 11.66% of the total CII replicon. Of the 60 HT genes in CI, 5 are among the duplicate gene pairs, while of the 99 HT genes in CII, 8 are among the duplicate gene pairs. The distribution of HGT regions on both chromosomes revealed that most of the duplicated genes are outside of these HGT regions. Discussion Extent of gene duplication and horizontal gene transfer in R.
sphaeroides A systematic genome analysis of the R. sphaeroides, which possess multiple chromosomes, has shown approximately the same level of gene duplication (~28%) as reported in many other bacterial genomes that possess only one chromosome [22, 42–44] and eukaryotes [22, 45–47]. Thus, similar levels of gene Lepirudin duplication in the genomes of eubacteria, archeae, and eukarya suggest that genome size or genome complexity and the levels of gene duplication present in their genomes are not correlated. Gene duplication can occur on two different scales: large-scale duplication (whole-genome duplication, WGD) and smaller-scale duplications, which consists of tandem duplication of short DNA sequence within a gene, duplication of the entire gene or duplication of large genomic segments [48–50]. The majority of gene duplications in R. sphaeroides exist in the form of small DNA segments (one or few genes), but a few duplications span over a large segment of genomic segments. For example, chemotaxis-related genes are located at four major loci, chemotaxis operon I (RSP2432-RSP2444), chemotaxis operon II (RSP1582-RSP1589), chemotaxis operon III (RSP0042-RSP0049), and chemotaxis operon IV is a part of a 56 kb- flagella biosynthesis gene cluster (RSP0032-RSP0088). Three copies are present on CI and one copy is present on CII.