coli [24], implying indirect regulation of the entire PhoPQ regul

coli [24], implying indirect regulation of the entire PhoPQ regulon by MicA. At this moment, it cannot be excluded that other, yet uncharacterized targets of MicA

exist which are related to biofilm formation. Nevertheless, it is already clear that MicA regulation comprises a complex network of interactions influencing a broad range of genes either directly or indirectly. Using RT-qPCR analyses, we were able to confirm that the levels of MicA in the luxS CDS deletion mutant CMPG5602 compared to wildtype and the insertion mutant CMPG5702 differ. This supports our formulated hypothesis that an impaired biofilm formation phenotype in a Salmonella Typhimurium luxS deletion mutant

is due to an imbalanced MicA level, rather than to the absence of LuxS itself. Remark that complementation of the CMPG5602 phenotype Akt inhibitor requiring expression of luxS from its native promoter [10] also corroborates with this model (Figure 1). Indeed, MicA is encoded in this promoter region and hence, the biofilm phenotype can only be complemented by reintroduction of MicA. Presently, it is still unclear how deletion of the luxS CDS influences MicA expression. The putative -10 and -35 regions of MicA as reported by Udekwu et al. [17] do not overlap with the coding region of luxS (Figure 1). However, this coding region might include other regulatory elements interfering with MicA expression. Further studies of both luxS and micA promoter regions and transcription are required to elucidate the mechanism of interference between both 17-AAG supplier genetic loci. Conclusions In this study, we showed by analyzing different S. Typhimurium mutants that biofilm formation is influenced by the sRNA molecule MicA. This sRNA is encoded in close proximity of the quorum sensing synthase luxS and mutating this region can

therefore mutually affect both genetic loci. Given the evolutionary conservation of MicA in several Enterobacteriaceae, this regulatory mechanism of biofilm formation might also apply to bacterial species other than Salmonella. Methods Bacterial strains and growth conditions The parental strains and plasmids Ergoloid that were used in this study are listed in Table 1. Salmonella Typhimurium SL1344 is the wildtype strain [30]. The Salmonella Typhimurium Δhfq (CMPG5628), S. Typhimurium ΔluxS2 (CMPG5630) and ΔlamB (CMPG5648) mutants were constructed using the procedure of Datsenko and Wanner [31], with pKD3 as a template plasmid (all primers used in this study are listed in Table 2). All strains were verified by PCR and sequencing. For the OmpA and LamB complementation constructs, ompA and lamB were amplified with PCR using primers PRO-0101/selleck products PRO-0102 and PRO-0474/PRO-0475, respectively, and cloned as an XbaI/PstI fragment into pFAJ1708 [32].

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