Figure 3 OM images of nanofluids when in liquid state

Figure 3 OM images of nanofluids when in liquid state. buy MGCD0103 (a,b,c) OM images of the nanofluids containing 13-nm alumina NPs at 0.9, 2.7, and 4.6 vol.%, respectively, and (d,e,f) OM images of the nanofluids containing 90-nm alumina NPs at 0.9, 2.7, and 4.6 vol.%, respectively. Results and discussion The SHCs of the NPs, molten salt, solid salt doped with NPs, and nanofluids were measured using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC, Model Q20, TA Instrument, New Castle, DE, USA and Model

7020 of EXSTAR, Hitachi High-Tech Science Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). The solid and dash lines in Figure 4a are the SHCs of the molten salt measured using model Q20 of TA and model 7020 of EXSTAR, respectively. In the figure, the SHCs were taken from the average Pritelivir in vivo of at least three measurements, and the error bars shown in the figure are the stand errors of these

measurements. The SHCs nanofluids having 13-nm and 90-nm alumina NPs at 0.9, 2.7, and 4.6 vol.%, respectively (measured using Q20 of TA) are also shown in Figure 4a. The temperature effect on the SHCs of the molten salt and the nanofluids is not significant as shown in Figure 4a. This is similar to the previous observation for the nitrate salts of NaNO3 and KNO3, respectively [15]. The 290°C to 335°C temperature-averaged SHCs of the molten salt measured using model Q20 of TA and model 7020 of selleck inhibitor EXSTAR are similar (1.59 ± 0.031 and 1.60 ± 0.012 kJ/kg-K, respectively). These values are similar to the value (1.55 kJ/kg-K) reported from Coastal Chemical for the molten salt [14]. These also validate our DSC measurements. Figure 4 SHCs of molten salt, nanofluids with alumina NPs, bulk alumina, solid salt, and solid salt doped with alumina NPs. (a) molten-salt (solid and dash lines, measured using Q20 of TA and 7020 of EXSTAR, respectively) and nanofluids having 13-nm alumina NPs at 0.9 (red solid square), 2.7 (red solid circle), and 4.6 vol.% (red solid triangle), respectively, and nanofluids having 90-nm alumina NPs at 0.9 (blue open square), 2.7 (blue open circle), and 4.6 vol.% (blue open triangle), respectively; (b)

13-nm alumina NP (red solid square), 90-nm alumina NP (blue open square), and bulk alumina (dark solid circle) [16]; and (c) solid salt (dark dash line) and solid salt Methamphetamine doped with 13-nm alumina NPs at 0.9 (red solid square), 2.7 (red solid circle), and 4.6 vol.% (red solid triangle), respectively, and 90-nm alumina NPs at 0.9 (blue open square), 2.7 (blue open circle), and 4.6 vol.% (blue open triangle), respectively. Figure 4b shows the SHCs of the 13-nm and 90-nm alumina NPs and bulk alumina at various temperatures. The SHCs of NPs were measured using model 7020 of EXSTAR while the values of the SHCs of the bulk alumina were taken from Ginnings and Furukawa [16]. The SHCs of NPs and bulk alumina increases as temperature increases.

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