For those patients who remain intubated following surgery (e g ,

For those patients who remain intubated following surgery (e.g., open chest procedures), mechanical ventilation avoids acute post-operative respiratory depression, but creates the need for weaning from mechanical ventilation and subsequent extubation, and overall increases pulmonary complications. Early weaning and extubation is associated with decreased post-operative morbidity and mortality, however, not all patients are able to successfully wean from the ventilator and maintain adequate ventilation after extubation, creating a clinical situation requiring an urgent response, Selleck RG7420 including re-intubation. In this scenario, acute ventilatory support with

a ventilatory stimulant drug would likely provide substantial patient benefit and hasten patient return to an observational ward. Patients who are housed on usual patient floors for routine post-operative care are Y-27632 at greatest risk for opioid-induced respiratory depression from postoperative day 1 through day 5 (Overdyk et al., 2007, Reeder et al., 1992a, Reeder et al., 1992b and Taylor

et al., 2005). In this setting, respiratory monitoring is typically limited. Progressive and ultimately life-threatening respiratory events may go unrecognized until significant morbidity or mortality occurs. Thus, there is a need for a respiratory stimulant beyond the post-anesthesia care unit. This requirement could be met by a drug that is formulated as: (1) both an intravenous and oral preparation, or (2) an intravenous product with a long duration of effect. Another important risk factor that is increasing in prevalence is the co-morbidity of sleep-disordered breathing in the peri-operative patient (Vasu et al., 2012). Unfortunately, the majority of patients with sleep-disordered breathing remain undiagnosed and opioids

and other respiratory depressants can exacerbate this condition (Yue and Guilleminault, 2010 and Zutler and Holty, 2011). Furthermore, opioids may have increased potency as analgesics in pediatric and adult patients with nocturnal hypoxemia due to sleep apnea (Brown et al., 2006 and Doufas et al., 2013). Morin Hydrate This also translates into increased potency as respiratory depressants (Waters et al., 2002), creating a vicious circle of cause and effect. The importance of sleep-disordered breathing peri-operatively dictates that any drug developed for use as a respiratory stimulant needs to have efficacy in sleep-related breathing disturbances or, at the very least, not exacerbate the disorder. The purpose of this review is to discuss the current pharmaceutical armamentarium of drugs that are licensed for use in humans as respiratory stimulants and that could be used to reverse drug-induced respiratory depression in the post-operative period. These are currently restricted to doxapram (globally) and almitrine (select countries).

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