Further evidence of Bayesian processing comes from work on force

Further evidence of Bayesian processing comes from work on force estimation (Körding et al., 2004) and interval timing (Jazayeri and Shadlen, click here 2010 and Miyazaki et al., 2005). In fact Bayesian integration can also be used to understand previous studies; for example the finding that subjects tended to mistime the interception of a falling ball under altered gravity conditions was interpreted as

evidence that the brain models Newton’s laws (McIntyre et al., 2001). However, these results could arise from subjects optimally combining sensory information about the speed of the falling ball with prior information that gravity is constant on Earth. This would cause the subjects to continually miss the ball until they revised their prior estimate of the gravitational constant. Bayesian integration can also explain many visual illusions by making assumptions about the priors selleck chemicals over visual objects (Kersten and Yuille, 2003) or direction of illumination (Adams et al., 2004). Similarly, biases in the perception of brightness (Adelson, 1993) can arise from priors over possible states of the world. Together, these studies show that Bayesian integration is used by the nervous system to resolve uncertainty in sensory information. In the sections on multisensory integration and Bayesian integration, we have focused on the static situation of

receiving two sources of information to inform us of the state (e.g., the width of an object). However, sensorimotor control Inositol monophosphatase 1 acts in a dynamic and evolving environment. For example we need to maintain an estimate of the configuration of our body as we move so as to generate appropriate motor commands. Errors in such an estimate can give rise to large movement errors (Vindras et al., 1998). Making estimates of time-varying states requires

some extension to the computations described above as well as the need to consider the delays in sensory inputs. Optimal state estimation in a time-varying system can be considered within the Bayesian framework. As before, the likelihood assesses the probability of receiving the particular sensory feedback given different states of the body. The prior now reflects the distribution over states. However, this prior is not simply the distribution over all states but is the distribution over states given our best estimate of the current distribution. This can be calculated by considering our previous state estimate (in essence the distribution over previous states) together with the motor command we have generated to update the states. The physics of our body and the world mean that the next state depends on the current state and the command. In order for the CNS to estimate the next state from the current state and the command, a model of the body is needed to simulate the dynamics. Such a predictive model is termed a forward model, which acts as a neural simulator of the way our body responds to motor commands.

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