Hence, B-cell agonists that up-regulate A3G on culture with HIV-1-infected autologous CD4+ T cells significantly inhibit HIV-1 replication and the mechanism involved is suggested in the Discussion.
Investigation of a number of B-cell agonists for their potential ability to up-regulate both AID and A3G deaminases has identified a combination of CD40L with IL-4 or HLA-II antibodies to be effective. However, single B-cell agonists yielded inconsistent Cilomilast concentration results, which was the rationale for using two B-cell agonists. The other B-cell agonists showed variable increases in these deaminases, with the exception of CD40L + IgM antibodies, but this was not studied further. The two deaminases were demonstrated in the same B cells, by double staining with mAb to AID and A3G. This association has high throughput screening not been studied in the past, though independently AID has been extensively investigated for its essential functions in class switch recombination and somatic hypermutation. These functions are especially significant in mucosal immunity, because of isotype switching from IgM to IgG, IgA and IgE, as well as affinity maturation and memory are essential manifestations of adaptive immunity.4–6 There is clear evidence that B
cells residing in human mucosa responding to allergens in vivo undergo direct or sequential class switch recombination from IgM to IgG, IgA and IgE.11 Furthermore, A3G is found in the lungs of mice,12 BCKDHA and lung epithelial cell line,13 suggesting that an adaptive AID-driven antibody mechanism and an innate A3G anti-retroviral factor might be generated at local mucosal sites. Whether IgA and A3G can be similarly induced in vaginal or rectal mucosa remains to be demonstrated. This would be especially important as the innate B-cell-derived A3G is probably produced earlier than IgA antibodies and this may inhibit HIV-1 replication until effective IgG and IgA antibodies develop in the mucosal tissues. Examination of IgG subclass antibodies was surprising, as only IgG4 was significantly up-regulated. The concentration of IgG4
antibodies is the lowest among the IgG subclasses, but of great interest because it is unique in combining two different specificities (H + L chain) in a single antibody molecule, termed Fab-arm exchange.14 This makes IgG4 monovalent and may act as a blocking antibody, engaging two antigens. The Fc portion interacts poorly with complement or Fc receptors on monocytes, thereby being free of these effector activities. It is not clear what role the IgG4 antibodies might play in HIV-1 pathogenesis. However, it was reported recently that in acute HIV infection half of the cohort have gp41 Env-specific and p55 gag-specific IgG4 detectable antibodies, though all subjects showed corresponding IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies.