Lattice parameters of the CCTO phase for the CCTO, CCTO/Au1, CCTO/Au2, CCTO/Au3, and CCTO/Au4 samples were calculated to be 7.391, 7.391, 7.391, 7.390, and 7.390 Å, respectively. These parameters are
nearly the same in value and are comparable to those reported in the literature [12, 16, 17]. This means that Au was not substituted into any sites in the CCTO lattice. Figure 1 XRD patterns of (a) CCTO, (b) CCTO/Au1, (c) CCTO/Au2, (d) CCTO/Au3, and (e) CCTO/Au4 samples. The distribution of the Au filler in the microstructure of CCTO matrix is revealed in Figure 2a,b,c,d. The inset of Figure 2a shows the TEM image of Au NPs with particle sizes of about 50 to 100 nm. Two distinct phases were observed, consisting of regular grains and light particles appearing as spots, which are indicated by arrows. The amount and particle size of the lighter phase increased with increasing Au NP concentrations. Figure 2e,f shows the EDS spectra of the CCTO/Au1 sample at the location of a light particle (inset of panel e) and a regular grain (inset of panel f), respectively. It is important to mention that
Quizartinib in vitro before the SEM and EDS techniques were performed, surfaces of all the CCTO/Au samples were not coated with Au sputtered layer in order to identify the Au NPs in the CCTO matrix. Therefore, the light particles are clearly indicated as Au phase. Most of Au particles are located at the grain boundary (GB) or at the triple point junction between grains. Figure 2 SEM backscattered images of (a) CCTO, (b) CCTO/Au1, (c) CCTO/Au2, and (d) CCTO/Au3 samples; (e, f) EDS spectra of the CCTO/Au1 sample. The inset of (a) shows TEM image of Au NPs. (e, f) EDS spectra of the CCTO/Au1 sample detected at a bright particle on GB and a regular grain, respectively; insets of (e)
and (f) show the testing EDS points, indicated by rectangular areas. In Figure 3, ϵ′ values at 1 kHz and RT for the CCTO, CCTO/Au1, CCTO/Au2, CCTO/Au3, and CCTO/Au4 samples were found to be 3,864, Etomidate 3,720, 4,293, 5,039, and 20,060, respectively. Their tanδ values were 0.115, 0.058, 0.087, 0.111, and 0.300, respectively (inset (2)). The low-frequency ϵ′ and tanδ of the CCTO, CCTO/Au1, CCTO/Au2, and CCTO/Au3 samples were slightly different (inset (1)). Both ϵ′ and tanδ were strongly enhanced as the concentration of Au NP filler was increased to 20 vol.%. Generally, dramatic changes in metal-insulator matrix composites in the critical region are attributed to the percolation effect [4, 7, 9, 17, 22–24]. A rapid increase in effective dielectric constant ( ) of the composites can be described by the power law [4, 9, 22, 24]: (1) where is the dielectric constant of the insulator matrix, f c is the PT, f is the volume fraction of conductive filler, and q is a critical component. As shown in Figure 3, the dependence of ϵ′ on the volume fraction of Au NPs can be well described by Eq. (1). From the fitted result, f c and q were found to be 0.21 and 0.55, respectively.