Leaf area index

Leaf area index Vemurafenib cost (LAI) (m2 m−2) was measured in four replicated measurement plots (of 5  × 6 trees) for each genotype in GS1 and in eight replicated measurement plots per genotype in GS2. The evolution of LAI was monitored throughout each of the two growing seasons from April to November using direct as well as indirect methods. The LAI-2200 Plant Canopy Analyzer (Li-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, NE, USA) was used to measure LAI indirectly by comparison of above- and below-canopy readings with a 45° view cap (see

also Broeckx et al., 2012a). LAImax was defined as the maximal LAI of the growing season and was averaged over all measurement plots per genotype. Direct LAI assessment consisted of leaf litter collection during the period of leaf fall, from September to December of GS1 and GS2. Three 0.57 × 0.39 m2 litter traps were placed on the soil along a diagonal transect between the rows in four plots per genotype. The traps were emptied every two weeks and the cumulated dry mass of the collected leaf litter was converted buy ZD6474 to LAImax using data of specific leaf area (SLA; cf. 2.2.3). Seasonal evolution

of LAI in GS1 and GS2 was visualized as a curve of LAI versus day of the year. Leaf area duration (LAD) (m2 day m−2) was calculated as the area below the mean seasonal LAI curve per genotype by integrating over time. The seasonal LAI curve was also used to estimate the radiation use efficiency (RUE) (g MJ−1), representing the biomass produced per unit of intercepted short-wave radiation. The intercepted short-wave radiation was calculated from the Beer–Lambert extinction law (Eq. (1); Monsi and Saeki, 2005): equation(1) I=I0e-kLAII=I0e-kLAIwhere I0 is the incident short-wave radiation, I is

the radiation transmitted below the canopy and k is the extinction coefficient. The incoming Aprepitant short-wave radiation (0.3–3.0 μm) was continuously monitored at the site with a pyranometer (CNR1, Kipp & Zonen, Delft, The Netherlands) and logged automatically every 30 min ( Zona et al., 2013). The value of k of Eq. (1) was derived from the LAI data using the converted Beer–Lambert law (Eq. (2)): equation(2) k=-LAI-1ln(I·I0-1)The LAImax value determined through the direct leaf fall method was used as LAI value in Eq. (2). The ratio of I · I0-1 was assessed during the LAI-2200 measurements at the time of LAImax, taking into account the proportion of incoming radiation on the sensor angled between 7° and 53° zenith. The resulting k values for each genotype were then used for the calculation of the total cumulated intercepted radiation throughout GS1 and GS2. Following the quantification of the total above-ground biomass per genotype as explained above, RUE was calculated as the ratio of the annual above-ground biomass production and the annual intercepted short-wave radiation. The above-ground biomass production was taken as the sum of the woody biomass production (cf. 2.2.1) and the cumulated dry mass of the collected leaf fall (cf. supra).

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