Mean values and standard errors (95% confidence) were calculated

Mean values and standard errors (95% confidence) were calculated from three independent experiments. Considering all the results described here, we propose the

following working hypothesis which is illustrated in Figure 5: Tep1 participates in the efflux of small compounds such as chloramphenicol and aminosugars which are core Nod factor precursors. Although these compounds have different structures, secondary multidrug (Mdr) transporters of the Major Facilitator Superfamily are known to be promiscuous in substrate recognition and transport [22]. In the tep1 mutant, chloramphenicol and Nod factor precursors accumulate inside the bacteria to concentrations which either hamper growth (chloramphenicol accumulation) or affect maximal nod gene expression (aminosugar accumulation). At the same time, the EPZ015666 mw diminished efflux of aminosugars in the transport mutant leads to improved nodulation efficiency. Elafibranor Figure 5 Working model showing possible roles for Tep1 and their substrates. Cm, chloramphenicol;

IM, inner membrane; OM, outer membrane. Conclusion The results obtained in this work suggest that the tep1 gene encodes a transport protein belonging to the MFS family of permeases able to confer chloramphenicol resistance in S. meliloti by expelling the antibiotic outside the cell. A tep1-linked gene in S. meliloti, fadD, plays a role in swarming motility and in nodule formation efficiency on alfalfa Ivacaftor datasheet plants. We have demonstrated that tep1 is not involved in swarming motility but like fadD affects the establishment of the S. meliloti-alfalfa symbiosis. A tep1 loss-of-function mutation leads to increased nodule formation efficiency but reduced nod gene expression suggesting that Tep1 transports compounds which influence different steps of the nodule formation process. Whether these effects are caused by the same Loperamide or different compounds putatively transported by Tep1, still needs to be investigated. Curiously, nod gene expression is reduced in a S. meliloti nodC mutant with the same intensity as in the tep1 mutant. This has implications

for nod gene regulation in S. meliloti as it rules out the existence of a feedback regulation as described for B. japonicum. On the other hand, it could indicate that Tep1 is involved in the transport of Nod factors or its precursors. Indeed, increased concentrations of the core Nod factor precursor N-acetyl glucosamine reduced nod gene expression. Moreover, both glucosamine and N-acetyl glucosamine inhibit nodulation at high concentrations. Therefore, this constitutes the first work which attributes a role for core Nod factor precursors as regulators for nodulation of the host plant by S. meliloti. Furthermore, the results suggest that the activity of Tep1 can modulate the nodule formation efficiency of the bacteria by controlling the transport of core Nod factor precursors.

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