Step 2: In order to provide the series with comparable characteristics and achieve the objectives of GRA, the normalized S/N ratio
values of the multiple objective values were determined by using Eqs. (4) and (5)[7]. The normalized S/N ratio means, when the learn more range of the series is too large or the optimal value of a quality characteristic is too enormous, this could lead to neglect some of the factors, and the original experimental data must be normalized to eliminate such effect. This step standardizes various attributes, so that every attribute has the same extent of influence, thus the data is made dimensionless, by using upper bound effectiveness, lower bound effectiveness or moderate effectiveness, as exemplified before. The resultant normalized S/N ratios are given in Table 4. Basically, the larger normalized S/N ratio 330 corresponds to the better performance, whereas the best normalized S/N ratio is equal to unity. Step 3: Based on the above results, the quality loss functions were calculated to measure the performance characteristics deviated from the desired value, by using the equation (Δ = |yo−yij||yo−yij|). The resultant values are given in Table 5. Step 4: The grey relational coefficient was calculated to express the relationship between the ideal (best) and actual normalized S/N ratios. The grey relational co-efficient values were calculated by using Eq. (7)
based on the normalized S/N ratios. The results are expressed in Table 6. Step 5: Next step was to calculate grey relational grade by averaging Z-VAD-FMK chemical structure the grey relational coefficients corresponding to each process response (i.e., 8 responses) (Table 6) by using the Eq. (8). The average of the derived grey relational coefficients equals the grey relational grade [33]. The overall evaluation of the multiple-responses is based on the grey relational grade. As a result, optimization of the complicated multiple process responses could be Montelukast Sodium converted into
optimization of a single grey relational grade. The ranking of the series based on their grey relational grades gives the grey relational order (Table 6). Step 6: Form the values of grey relational grades, the main effects were predicted as shown in Table 7. According to the Taguchi method, the statistic delta defined as the difference between the high and the low effect of each factor was used. A classification could be done to determine the most influencing factor. When so done, the multiple objective optimization problems were transformed into a single equivalent objective optimization problem. Using the grey relational grade value, the mean of the grey relational grade for each level of different factors, and the total mean of the grey relational grade is summarized in Table 7. Then a response graph of the grey relational analysis is obtained by main effect analytic computation, as shown in Fig.