The results suggest that whereas CSPα has a specific role with SNAP-25 that secondarily affects SNARE complex levels, synuclein has a specific role in SNARE complex formation and can bypass the defect in SNAP-25. The original work did not detect biochemical evidence of α-synuclein associating Dasatinib purchase with the presynaptic SNARE complex (Chandra et al., 2005), but a subsequent study did identify a direct biochemical interaction (Burré et al., 2010). In particular, the hydrophilic C terminus of α-synuclein appears to interact with v-SNARE synaptobrevin 2 (Burré et al., 2010). Consistent with a requirement
for the C terminus of α-synuclein to interact with synaptobrevin, γ-synuclein, which diverges in sequence from α- at the C terminus, does not rescue the loss of CSPα (Ninkina et al., 2012). In contrast to the role of CSPα as chaperone for SNAP-25, α-synuclein thus appears to have a
role in SNARE complex formation. How can a putative chaperone for the SNARE complex either have no effect on or inhibit transmitter release? The number of SNARE complexes may not be rate limiting for transmitter release, and rescue of the degeneration in CSPα knockout mice does not require an increase in SNAP-25. Regardless of mechanism, SNARE complex levels correlate more closely with the degenerative process than with transmitter release. However, the levels of SNARE complex have not been studied extensively in animals with other defects in transmitter release and may simply reflect changes in another process
more directly affected by synuclein. Indeed, Resminostat we do not know what comprises the total pool of SNARE complexes in the brain—cis complexes on synaptic vesicles or the plasma membrane, trans-complexes made by docked vesicles or some other pool? Recent work in vitro has also found that synuclein can inhibit membrane fusion independent of the SNARE proteins and failed to detect an interaction of synuclein with synaptobrevin ( DeWitt and Rhoades, 2013). The mechanism by which synuclein rescues the loss of CSPα thus remains uncertain. The synuclein triple knockouts do die prematurely but at around 1 year, a phenotype much milder than the CSP knockout (Fernández-Chacón et al., 2004 and Greten-Harrison et al., 2010). In addition to smaller presynaptic boutons, the synuclein triple knockout also produces an axonal defect in older animals but no obvious synapse loss. The ability to rescue loss of CSPα thus remains perhaps the most dramatic effect of synuclein observed in vivo, with a very modest degenerative phenotype in synuclein triple knockout mice alone. Synuclein has also been reported to interact biochemically with a large number of proteins that might regulate its activity. One of the first identified, synphilin appears to promote the aggregation of synuclein (Engelender et al., 1999, McLean et al., 2001 and Ribeiro et al., 2002).