There were increases from baseline during treatment in both group

There were increases from baseline PD-0332991 research buy during treatment in both groups. MMRM analysis showed that the increases in finite element strength and normalized axial compression strength at 18 months were significantly higher in the teriparatide group compared with the risedronate group (p ≤ 0.05). The between-treatment differences were not statistically significant at 6 months (Table 1). Similar results were observed for stiffness (data not shown). Table 1 Finite element strength in the different loading modes (anterior bending, axial compression, axial torsion) and normalized axial compression strength for the teriparatide and risedronate treatment groups Variable

Time (months) Teriparatide Risedronate p value a n Mean (SD) n Mean (SD) Finite element strength Anterior bending (kN mm) Z-VAD-FMK ic50 Baseline 36 94.7 (41.8) 36 96.2 (42.3) – 6 APR-246 25 121.3 (49.9) 32 113.5 (46.0) 0.661 18 29 140.2 (58.8)b 31 112.8 (40.8) 0.012 Axial compression (kN) Baseline 36 5.07 (2.33) 37 4.90 (2.28) – 6 25 6.21 (2.87) 33 5.81 (2.23) 0.547 18 31 7.08 (3.48)b 31 5.95 (2.2) 0.015 Axial torsion (kN mm) Baseline 36 48.4 (22.1) 37 48.6 (21.2)

– 6 25 62.4 (26.3) 33 57.9 (20.9) 0.548 18 31 71.0 (31.8)b 31 58.2 (19.2) 0.005 Normalized axial compression strength (N/mm2)   Baseline 36 4.50 (2.20) 37 4.41 (2.16) – 6 25 5.32 (2.71) 33 5.25 (2.18) 0.677 18 31 6.13 (3.29)b 31 5.38 (2.08) 0.021 a p value for between group comparison bChange from baseline within groups (p < 0.05) from a mixed model repeated-measures analysis of changes from baseline including fixed effects for treatment, visit and the interaction between treatment and visit, and random

oxyclozanide effects for patients nested within treatment, plus the following covariates: age, baseline PINP, fracture <12 months before study, duration of prior bisphosphonate use, screening GC dose, and cumulative GC dose prior to and during study. MMRM sample sizes for changes from baseline to 6 months (n = 23), and to 18 months (n = 28) for Teriparatide; and baseline to 6 months (n = 28), and to 18 months (n = 28) for Risedronate Correlations between changes in bone turnover markers and changes in FEA variables Table 2 presents the Spearman correlation coefficients between the absolute changes from baseline of PINP at 3, 6 and 18 months and the absolute changes from baseline in FEA parameters at 18 months of therapy in the teriparatide and risedronate groups. Significant positive correlations between the change in PINP at 3, 6 and 18 months with the changes in finite element strength and stiffness in all loading modes at 18 months (anterior bending, axial compression, and axial torsion) and in the change in normalized axial compression strength were observed in the teriparatide group (r = 0.422 to r = 0.563).

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