They also claimed that the mechanism of AgNP toxicity may involve

They also claimed that the mechanism of AgNP toxicity may involve a combination of both physical and chemical interactions. There was a direct correlation between the toxicity of AgNPs and their surface charge. The more negative the zeta value, the less toxic are the AgNPs to bacillus

species. The zeta potential of AgNPs/citrate was −38 mV, whereas the zeta potential of AgNPs/PVP and AgNPs/BPEI were −10 and +40 mV, respectively [20]. Therefore, the various stabilizers for AgNPs affect not only on the stability but also on the antibacterial activity of AgNP colloid [1, 14, 20, 21]. In this study, we prepared four colloidal AgNP solutions at a concentration of 1-mM Ag in different stabilizers, namely PVP, PVA, alginate, and sericin with EGFR targets the same concentration of 0.5% (w/v). Subsequently, GSK2126458 molecular weight the antibacterial activity of these colloidal AgNP solutions was investigated. To further demonstrate the effect of AgNPs on antibacterial activity and apply the development in practice,

the AgNPs were added into a handwash solution, and the antibacterial activity was also tested. Methods Material Pure-grade AgNO3 was purchased from Shanghai Chemical Reagent Co., Shanghai, China The pharmaceutical grade PVP K90 was a product from Merck, Darmstadt, Germany. PVA 217 was a product of Kuraray, Tokyo, Japan. Alginate was a product of Hayashi Pure Chemical Industries, Osaka, Japan, and sericin was purchased from Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA. Distilled water was used throughout the preparation of colloidal AgNP solutions. The strain of Escherichia coli ATCC 6538 was provided by the University of Medical Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City. The INK 128 research buy Luria-Bertani (LB) medium purchased form Himedia, Mumbai, India contains 10 g triptone, 5 g yeast extract, 10 g sodium chloride, and 1 L distilled water. Synthesis of AgNPs Four colloidal solution samples of 1-mM AgNPs stabilized in 0.5% (w/v) stabilizers of PVP, PVA, alginate, and sericin were prepared by gamma Co-60 irradiation method as described in our previous papers [9, 13]. Briefly,

the stabilizers were dissolved in water to reach a concentration of 0.5%. AgNO3 was then dissolved in the above prepared solution to obtain a final concentration from of 1-mM Ag+. The mixture was poured into glass bottles with plastic caps. The irradiation of these solutions at dose of 6 kGy for the synthesis of AgNPs was carried out on a Co-60 irradiator with a dose rate of approximately 1.2 kGy/h at VINAGAMMA Center, Ho Chi Minh City. Absorption spectra of the irradiated AgNP solutions with dilution by water to 0.1-mM AgNPs were taken on an UV-vis spectrophotometer, Jasco V-630 (Easton, MD, USA). The AgNP sizes were measured using a transmission electron microscope (TEM; JEM 1010, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan).

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