This rendered possible mathematical analysis and precise modeling of a developing in vivo vertebrate CNS structure. These analyses showed that, as RPCs progress through multiple mitoses, they exhibit a reduction of their cell division rate and a shift from the preferred PP division mode to the PD and finally the DD division modes (Figure 1B). The observed clones, as a population, faithfully represent the proliferation dynamics of the whole retina. However, individual clones show great variations in the size and division mode dynamics. Based upon these observations,
He et al. (2012) built a simple mathematical model in which cells make probabilistic mode choices at each division (Figure 1B). selleck chemical This stochastic model can precisely predict the clonal size distribution as well as the division mode distribution observed at different time points in their experiments. During retinogenesis, different cell types are born in a sequential order with significant BMN 673 chemical structure overlap. When analyzed at the population level, the live-imaging data from the in vivo zebrafish RPC clones are consistent with the known birth order. However, when individual clones are examined, there is no strict birth order of different cell types (Figure 1B). Innovative barcode analysis of lineage
similarity also supports the stochastic model. Further analysis revealed that the generation of certain cell types seems to correlate with
specific types of division modes. For example, most RGCs arise from the D cell of PD divisions. ACs arise others from both PD and DD divisions, while BCs, HCs, rod PRs, and cone PRs are mostly associated with DD divisions. Therefore, the birth probabilities of different cell types vary as RPCs progress through cell cycles and change their stochastic preference of division modes, which suggests that there could be connections between certain cell fate choice and division modes. In support of this “connection proposition,” He et al. (2012) discovered that Ath5 acts as a molecular link between the mode of division and cell-type specification. RGCs are born earlier than other retinal cell types. Ath5, a gene previously shown to be required for the specification of RGCs, is also crucial for the PD division mode. Ath5 mutations or knockdown cause a delay of retinal differentiation and an increase in retinal size and RPC clone size, which corresponds to what is predicted by a change of the PD divisions that generate RGCs to the amplifying PP mode of division. This finding connects retinogenesis order with the stochastic model and explains why RGC differentiation is always earlier than that of other neural types. However, the paper by He et al. (2012) also raises intriguing new questions.