Thus GSA helped to predict an additional potential drug target (P

Thus GSA helped to predict an additional potential drug target (PDK1) and a putative biomarker (PP2A), which have not been captured by LSA. At the same time, in contrast to LSA findings, our GSA has not indicated ErbB3 as a promising Antidiabetic Compound Library research buy target in the absence of ErbB2 inhibitors, whereas targeting ErbB3 was shown to effectively suppress pAkt signalling in ADRr and OvCAR8 cancer cell lines (Schoeberl et al.,

2009). Systems biology is advancing only very slowly in actually making a contribution to cancer research. There is a tension between the individual variability and the uncertainty of the parameters of biochemical networks involved in cancer onset and progression, which hamper the translation of the results of network modelling studies into anti-cancer drug development. Moreover, a potentially significant level of network perturbations caused by anti-cancer drugs or oncogenic mutations questions the applicability of local sensitivity analysis for anti-cancer drug development, since LSA works with small-scale parameter perturbations.

This emphasises the need for development of theoretical approaches and methods capable of addressing the uncertainty of model parameters and generating valid predictions about the behaviour of VX-770 manufacturer critical network outputs under large-scale multi-parametric perturbations. In this study we investigated and confirmed the value of global sensitivity analysis as a powerful technique for the analysis of network models with uncertain parameters, which shows good promise for practical applications in anti-cancer drug discovery. We present a novel implementation of model-based GSA, intended STK38 for identification of drug targets

and biological markers within cancer-related signalling networks. Our GSA Libraries procedure is based on Sobol’s LDS sampling method and employs PRCC to perform the sensitivity analysis. Importantly, in our procedure we focus on the sensitivity analysis of a biologically meaningful characteristic – the area under the time-course profile of phosphorylated proteins, that allows us to assess the effect of multi-parametric variations on the value of key cancer-related network outputs (e.g. phosphorylated Akt). Since PRCC provides the sign for the sensitivity indexes, our GSA implementation allows separation of strong negative and positive effects of parametric variations, thus facilitating interpretation of the resulting sensitivity profiles in terms of inhibition or activation of corresponding protein activities. The applied aspects of the method are based on the analysis and comparison of GSA profiles of cancer-related model outputs in the absence and presence of the drug. As an illustrative example, we applied our method to a modification of our previously developed model of the ErbB2/3 signalling network (Faratian et al., 2009b) with a view to predict potential drug targets, drug combinations, and biomarkers of resistance to the anti-ErbB2 inhibitor pertuzumab.

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