Toluidine blue-stained longitudinal sections of S. nodorum SN15 pycnidia identified the presence of a number of enlarged cells that form the opening of the ostiole from which the cirrhus of spores are released from the pycnidial cavity (Figure 8). Analysis of the pycnidia formed by each of the G-protein mutants by cold induction revealed the structures to be comparable to those produced by the wildtype PF-01367338 manufacturer strain under the same conditions. It was observed that the ostiole failed to differentiate on the mutant pycnidia (Figure 9). This observation was consistent with the requirement that the pycnidiospores within these mutant pycnidia could
NCT-501 manufacturer not be released by water (as typically observed in wildtype pycnidia) and required manual disruption. The pycnidia of gba1-6 and gga1-25 were also nearly always observed as multiple structures
fused FRAX597 purchase together and were almost never seen individually (Figure 9). Although the pycnidia of SN15 and gna1-35 often developed fused, it was uncommon for the pycnidia to form indistinct from one another. The pycnidia of gga1-25 and gba1-6 were also comparatively misshapen and less mature in appearance than those of SN15 and gna1-35. Figure 8 A longitudinal section of a wax embedded excision from an asexually sporulating culture of S. nodorum SN15 -stained with toluidine blue. Pictured are pycnidiospores being released from a mature pycnidium. Arrows point to the masses of enlarged cells producing the ostiole, formed in the development of the mature pycnidium, from which the pycnidiospores are released from the pycnidial cavity as a cirrus. Cv, pycnidial cavity; W, pycnidial wall; Ch, cirrus. Figure 9 Longitudinal sections of
a wax embedded excision from asexually sporulating cultures of S. nodorum -stained with toluidine blue. Pictured are conidiogenous cells and pycnidiospores contained within the mature pycnidia of wild-type strain SN15, and the (potentially less) ‘matured’ pycnidia of mutant strains gna1-35, gba1-6 and gga1-25. The pycnidia of SN15 and gna1-35 often develop fused, but the pycnidial cavities remain visually distinct, by comparison to those of gba1-6 and gga1-25 tuclazepam which often form a single body of pycnidia. Cv, pycnidial cavity; W, pycnidial wall. Discussion The deactivation of the Gα subunit Gna1 from S. nodorum has proven fruitful to further understanding the pathogenesis of this fungal pathogen [9]. The lack of sporulation and reduced pathogenicity of the resulting gna1 strain sparked further investigation into the molecular and phenotypic attributes of this mutant strain largely because a determination of the molecular processes underpinning the phenotype could lead to more targeted control of the pathogen. Subsequent analysis of the gna1 strain to identify downstream-regulated targets and processes has uncovered many interesting aspects of the disease including mycotoxin production.