We genotyped 151 chickens
from five populations: Red Junglefowl, TIC and commercial lines (BR, broiler and WL, White Leghorn). Genetic structure analyses using six loci of five functional genes – corresponding to heat tolerance (heat shock protein 70, HSP70/C, HSP70/M), broodiness (vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor-1, VIPR-1), egg production-[24-bp indel (insertion or deletion) prolactin, 24bpPRL], ovulation rate (growth hormone receptor, GHR), and growth (insulin-like growth factor-1, IGF-1) – were compared with 18 microsatellite markers. PCR-RFLP and allele specific 17DMAG PCR were used for functional gene typing. A neighbor-joining tree from Nei’s genetic distance was constructed to show genetic relationships. A similar pattern was found with both functional genes and microsatellites. Three groups consisting of BR, WL and TIC-GS-GG were formed. A principal component plot based on individual similarity
using Dice’s coefficient was also constructed to confirm the relationship. Different patterns GSK461364 inhibitor were found when using functional genes versus microsatellites. A principal component plot with functional genes also gave three clusters consisting of BR, WL and TIC-GS-GG. A principal component plot using microsatellites gave four clusters, consisting of WL, GG, TIC, and BR-GS. Characterization of BR and GS differs from previous studies. We concluded that genetic characterization with appropriate functional genes is more accurate when differences in genetic make-up among populations are known. Genetic characterization using functional gene data was consistent in neighbor joining and principal component plot analyses,
while genetic characterization using microsatellite data gave varied results depending on the analysis methodology.”
“Purpose: To prospectively determine the diagnostic performance of breast magnetic resonance (MR) Cediranib mw imaging in predicting the malignancy of breast lesions classified as borderline at core needle biopsy (CNB).
Materials and Methods: This prospective study was approved by the local ethics committee, and all patients provided written informed consent. Between February 2007 and October 2009, 193 patients underwent ultrasonography (US)-guided CNB. Thirty-two lesions in 32 patients were classified as “”borderline”" (“”lesions of uncertain malignant potential”" according to the United Kingdom National Health Service Breast Screening program or those that are “”probably benign”" according to the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System [BI-RADS] lexicon) at pathologic examination and were evaluated. All 32 patients underwent contrast agent-enhanced breast MR imaging 1-3 weeks after CNB; surgical biopsy was performed within 60 days of MR imaging.
Results were compared with histologic findings.