(A) CP-AP concentrations in serum specimens of healthy controls (HC), inflammatory controls (IC) and tumor patients (TP). In the box plot the central box represents the values from the lower to upper quartile (25 to 75 percentile). The middle line represents the median. The horizontal
line extends click here from the minimum to the maximum value. P-values of the Mann–Whitney test are indicated. (B) ROC-AUC calculation for separation of tumor patients (TP) from healthy controls (HC) (left graph), tumor patients (TP) from inflammatory controls (IC) (middle graph) and healthy controls from inflammatory controls (IC) (right graph). Discussion The dysregulation of protease activity plays an important role for the initiation and progression of malignant disease [1, 4]. Tumor-associated proteases like matrix metalloproteases, cathepsins, kallikrein related peptidases and members of the plasminogen activator system are Everolimus concentration secreted into the bloodstream and might be candidates for functional protease profiling (for review see [20]). Specifically, the tumor-associated protease cancer procoagulant is secreted from numerous malignancies including colorectal cancer into the bloodstream [21]. Under in vivo conditions this can cause paraneoplastic
coagulopathy throughout cleavage and activation of the coagulation factor X heavy chain (P00742) [22]. The reporter peptide CP-RP comprises the cleavage site WKPYDAAD that is part of the coagulation factor X and is preferably cleaved in serum specimens of tumor patients [8]. Adding reporter peptides to selleck chemicals serum specimens enables the monitoring of tumor-related proteolytic activity for diagnostic use [7–9, 23, 24]. Furthermore, reporter peptide spiking offers major advantages over native MS-based peptide profiling concerning the standardization of preanalytical variabilities [6, 11]. The main focus of our present work was to optimize functional protease profiling with respect to simplified sample preparation and increased inter-day reproducibility to make it amenable as a laboratory assay for routine diagnostic use. Recently, a sample
clean-up with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) has been described that showed a sufficient recovery for peptides with a molecular weight of less than 3000 Da [25]. Furthermore, diglyceride the LC-MS technique is the method of choice for the reproducible quantification of small molecules like peptides in clinical specimens [26], and accordingly this technology was selected for assay development. Even at low CP-AP concentrations of 0.4 μmol/L the extracted ion chromatogram of CP-AP with m/z 515.795 shows only one single peak (see Figure 1) and this excellent signal to noise ratio makes quantitative LC/MS analyses amenable [27, 28]. Recently, criticism has been raised against functional protease profiling and it has been suggested to characterize the proteolytic activity in more detail [29].